2020 Clubs
All Weekly Clubs begin on the week of 17th February.
Registrations for all our programmes are now done through our database Aimyplus. Once you register for one of our programmes, you don’t need to re-register all your details again – just log-in and choose the programmes you want – easy! Register for the first time, or if you’ve registered in the past, log-in and choose the dates you want!
** Basketball **
We have been running hour long Basketball Coaching sessions for primary school years for the past few years, but enrolment numbers have been low recently, we have pencilled in Mondays form 4:30pm – 5:30pm for Years 3 – 6 if there is enough interest. If there are some in Years 7 & 8 also keen, Email: rego@yat.org.nz with the age of your child and then we can record if we have enough interest. Just $30 per term.
Our MSD approved after school programme now collects children in our vans from 5 different local schools:
1. South New Brighton Primary
2. Rawhiti Primary
3. New Brighton Catholic
4. Nova Montisorri
5. Chisnallwood Intermediate