Term 4 Clubs
Check out all the clubs we’re running in Term 4! Something for all ages, all interests or just a general youth club with cool activities ran by awesome leaders! Sign up for the term or just come along and try it for the night.
Term plans are finalised and you can view them by clicking on our website; Programmes, then the Club, then ‘Download our Latest Brochure’ link.
To register for a weekly club, visit: https://yatclubs.aimyplus.com and log-in using your normal email and password. Any questions, email: rego@yat.org.nz
Covid Rules
Please remember, when dropping off and collecting your child:
– Remain in your vehicle if you have given them permission to sign themselves in and out (School Years 7+ only). You can do this by logging into your Aimyplus account and adding them to the list of people who can sign them in and out.
– If your child does not have permission to sign themselves in or out (or anyone in School Years 1-6), please enter the building, using your face mask, then sign-in using the Covid app. Then hand sanitise before using the sign-in/out system. We’re not wanting to encourage parents to gather together, so just come in and out of the building quickly and not early. Our leaders will still be at the sign-in PC’s for questions with their masks on.
Like schools, we don’t require young people to wear masks on our programmes, but they are very welcome to.
Ngā Mihi,
The YAT Team