Netsafe – Online Parent Seminar
A free event for parents and whanua about keeping young people safe online. Presented by Natsafe’s Education Advisor Paula Wistrand. The session will look at how parents/whanau can support and enable children and young people to navigate online opportunities, challenges and complexities.
Recent Feedback:
“Fantastic presentation. Fun, humorous and practical, with no judgement of our rangitahi/young people which was great. Some awesome tips for both teachers and parents alike. Best Zoom presentation I have been to – and I’ve been to a few! Keep up the great mahi!” March 2022
Supported by Mana Ake and Youth Alive Trust. Funded by Fresh Choice Parklands.
Click on the tinyurl to automatically connect to the Zoom link, then add Passcode:
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Then click “Join a Meeting” and use the following Meeting ID & Passcode.
Meeting ID: 843 7422 1476
Passcode: 105852