An Annual Camp for Fathers* and Sons to get away from the hustle and bustle of Christchurch, and into the Canterbury High Country for a weekend of activities and the opportunity to spend quality time on one of the most important relationships you'll ever have.
*If dad isn't around we don't want you to miss out, so sign up with a significant male (18+) in your life.
Latest Updates
16 Aug 2022
Lock it in!
We also have a Father & Son Camp planned for 24th-26th Feb 2023 in partnership with Adventure Specialties – more details to come!
13 Feb 2019
Father Son Camp is coming up on the 8th-10th March, we start after work on the Friday with dinner. It’s an awesome weekend away for intermediate aged boys and their dads(or fill in dad if real dad isn’t around). We head away to the Canterbury high country for a weekend filled with food and outdoor pursuits as well as a few short session to help build on your relationship. Places always fill up fast so register now.
More information and online registration can be found at http://www.youthalivetrust.org.nz/camps/fsc/ or contact Matt Barnes at matt.barnes@yat.org.nz.
30 Nov 2018
Father Son camp – Intermediates edition for 2019 registrations are now open. Camp is on the 8-10th of March 2019. It’s for all school year 7 & 8’s and their dad (or a father figure if dad’s not around). This is a real highlight on our calendar every year and fills up, so register now to not miss out. Sign up by clicking the online registration button. For more info click the Download registration form button.
5 Apr 2018
5 Mar 2018
Youth Alive Trust ran its 5th annual Father Son Camp recently, taking 14 dad’s and their intermediate aged son away to the Canterbury High Country for a time of bonding, adventure, activities and food. The weekend was a mixture of outdoor activities such as exploring and bouldering at Castle Hill, Kayaking, archery and swimming at Lake Lyndon. They also ran sessions key to the father son relationship like communication skills and how to have difficult conversations. When asked for feedback one dad responded with “My favourite thing about camp was spending time with my son and the range of planned activities and sessions to help us bond and get a deeper understanding of each other.” Another dad said “It was great to hear all the dads worry about the same things. lol .” And one of the Boys mentioned that “Camp helped me understand a little better what being a dad is like.” Stay tuned for a Father Son Camp for Teens coming soon…
Posted by Youth Alive Trust on Sunday, March 4, 2018
21 Nov 2017
Father Son Camp regos for 2018 are now live, sign up online right now. Camp is now 2 nights and is on the 2-4th March, register now so you don’t miss out! It’s going to epic! Camp is $120 for each father son pair. Get in quick not to miss out as spaces are limited!
1 Feb 2017
Father Son Camp regos are now live, sign up online right now. Camp is the 11-12th March, register now so you don’t miss out! It’s going to epic! Camp is $80 for each father son pair. Get in quick not to miss out as spaces are limited!
12 Jan 2016
Father Son Camp regos are now live, sign up online right now. Camp is the 19-20th March, register now so you don’t miss out! It’s going to epic! Camp is $80 for each father son pair, however If you’re from New Brighton, you can apply for the full cost through the Parenting Scholarship Fund on our website. This can be found by clicking here.
2 Feb 2015
Father Son Camp regos are now live, sign up online right now. Camp is the 14-15th March, register now so you don’t miss out!
16 Dec 2014
Save The Date for Father Son Camp 2015. Camp is on March 14/15 and will feature more opportunities to build on your relationship through the outdoors!
2 Apr 2014
Youth Alive Trust ran its first ever Father Son Camp in the weekend and it was a great success taking 16 intermediate aged boys and their dads away for the weekend! We packed in cave stream, bouldering, Mountain Biking, sessions on the F&S relation, a early morning swim and so much more. Here’s what a bit of the feedback said – “This would be the best 36 hours I have ever spent with my son.”, “I believe the whole thing was perfect. I met children & dads who I normally would possibly never talk to.”, “It was very good helped me with my relationship with my dad”. To see the pics of camp here is the link https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.657206834314755.1073741840.115093285192782&type=1
5 Feb 2014
22nd – 23rd March 2014
The Youth Alive Trust Father Son Camp is facilitated by Matt Barnes (YAT) & Jonny Reveley (Family Works) as a weekend away for dad’s/caregivers and son’s to spend a weekend away together in the Canterbury High Country. The weekend away will be made up with lots of outdoor pursuits such as Cave Stream & archery, as well as a few low key sessions that will build on your current relationship with your son.
We don’t want to give too much away, but it will certainly be memorable for the right reasons!
Download the brochure, register online or pop into the offices for a chat.