Annual Waitangi Day Event that celebrates everything we love about New Brighton. Organised by local community groups at Thomson Park, there are lots of free activities, have-a-go sports, market stalls, food stalls, bouncy castles, face painting, games, free sausages and a LIVE stage featuring bands.
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Waitangi Monday at Thomson Park – fun for all the family! Live Music stage, sports activities, bouncy castles, face painting, pony rides, water activities ($2), food trucks, market stalls, pre-school zone, archery, crazy bikes, candy floss ($3) and much more!! Give a Youth Alive Trust volunteer a Hi-5 if you see them on the day.
Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/4LiqtmZdH
6 Feb 2020
6 Feb 2018
6 Feb 2018
What an amazing event to be a part of today! Thanks to the 20+ Youth Alive Trust volunteers who helped with Facepainting, Bouncy Castles, Candy Floss, Pre-Schooler Art and the BBQ – you guys are a HUGE blessing to this community, not just today but all year around! Over 7500 came to the event and it was the best and biggest yet!! Here’s the highlights:
7 Feb 2017
Over 4,000 people and over 30 community groups descended onto Thomson Park to celebrate New Brighton on Waitangi Monday. The annual ‘I Love New Brighton’ event was packed with activities, sports, market stalls, live bands and an awesome community atmosphere. Highlights included the Sidecar Rides, the Fire Brigade fire demonstrations, the giant slide, petting zoo and live performances – particularly from the Takumi Japanese Drummers and local youth band, OutLoud, a group of 16 year old girls. Comments came flooding onto facebook after the event, Alia Eckford wrote, “Amazing!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! What a wonderful idea!!! It’s why we live in New Brighton”, Brad Swindale wrote, “Thanks so much! Me and my boy love Brighton. I was born and breed and proud to say we are still here. Awesome event – thanks everyone!” Chris Fortnun, “Such a good event, I can’t thank the people enough for giving up their free time. Those face painter’s put in some hard yards – lot’s of happy children and families!” Emma Gustavsson, “Thought we might be there for 30min, stayed for 3 hours-awesome!!!” The event was coordinated by Youth Alive Trust, New Brighton Project, Rawhiti Community Sports Inc and the Burwood Pegasus Recreation Team, with thanks to funding from Christchurch City Council and Summer of Fun. More photos can be found on the Facebook Page.
CLICK HERE to read the newspaper report
9 Feb 2016
Over 4,000 people and over 30 community groups descended onto Thomson Park to celebrate New Brighton on Waitangi Monday. The annual ‘I Love New Brighton’ event was packed with activities, sports, market stalls, live bands and an awesome community atmosphere. Highlights included the Sidecar Rides, the Fire Brigade fire demonstrations, the giant slide, petting zoo and live performances – particularly from the Takumi Japanese Drummers and local youth band, OutLoud, a group of 16 year old girls. Comments came flooding onto facebook after the event, Alia Eckford wrote, “Amazing!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! What a wonderful idea!!! It’s why we live in New Brighton”, Brad Swindale wrote, “Thanks so much! Me and my boy love Brighton. I was born and breed and proud to say we are still here. Awesome event – thanks everyone!” Chris Fortnun, “Such a good event, I can’t thank the people enough for giving up their free time. Those face painter’s put in some hard yards – lot’s of happy children and families!” Emma Gustavsson, “Thought we might be there for 30min, stayed for 3 hours-awesome!!!” The event was coordinated by Youth Alive Trust, New Brighton Project, Rawhiti Community Sports Inc and the Burwood Pegasus Recreation Team, with thanks to funding from Christchurch City Council and Summer of Fun. More photos can be found on the Facebook Page. The 2017 event is already been locked in for 6th Feb – save the date!
10 Sep 2015
All local community groups are invited to be a part of the 2015 I Love New Brighton Event – on the MONDAY of Waitangi Weekend. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your group, find new members, volunteers or do some fundraising. CLICK HERE to read the invitation to all community groups wanting to get involved. If you’re a Business and want to provide community support and raise your profile, CLICK HERE to read about our one and only sponsorship opportunity!
10 Feb 2015
2015 Event Report
Nobody was complaining about the easterly winds on Waitangi Day when nearly 2,000 people turned up for the 5th annual “I Love New Brighton” event. Popular attractions included the Wreckem Balls – which one young boy described as “like bumper cars, but you’re the car”, the Giant Slide and the New Brighton Scouts Rope Bridge – always more of a challenge after a bit of rain! A wide variety of music was also played from the band rotunda, including young North New Brighton teenage band ‘Better than Bacon’, who kicked off the event, as well soulful duo Vintage Blue and pop/rock covers band, Mari Slack. However true community spirit was shown, when people hid together under trees, and in information stalls as ‘southerly’ showers of rain and hail threatened to put a dampener on the morning. Brooke Frew, from the North Beach Residents Association was serving the sausages and said “Hellers donated 1000 sausages and they were all gone within 2 hours – probably a combination of the chilly morning weather and needing more energy after taking part in all the activities – there was heaps to do and I think people were surprised at the variety of clubs and activities we have in our area!”. Thanks to all the 25 local community and sports groups who gave people a taster of what they do. The event was funded by the Burwood Pegasus Community Board, and coordinated by Youth Alive Trust, New Brighton Project, Rawhiti Community Sports Inc and the Christchurch City Council Recreation Team.
27 Nov 2014
All local community groups are invited to be a part of the 2015 I Love New Brighton Event. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your group, find new members, volunteers or do some fundraising. CLICK HERE to read the invitation to all community groups wanting to get involved.
3 Sep 2014
**********2015 Event***********
Planning has begun! I Love New Brighton 2015 will again be on Waitangi Day – Friday 6th February. If you’re interested in being involved, hosting a stall, running an activity, promoting your local community group, helping with the BBQ or Parking, or playing on the LIVE Stage for free – then contact us at: jacqui.miller@ccc.govt.nz
19 Mar 2014
CLICK HERE to Watch the Video Booth from this years event, and hear about why so many people Love New Brighton
7 Feb 2014
I Love New Brighton 2014 Success!
The sun came out and so did 5000 people to celebrate the annual I Love New Brighton event on Waitangi Day at Thomson Park. This community lead event was born after the Earthquakes to lift spirits, but has more than tripled in size. Over 30 community groups were involved in providing have-a-go sports, games, bouncy castles, markets, information stalls and other activities. The Byllie Jean Project and Medway Roots provided some funky tunes on the Live Stage and 1000 Hellers sausages were given away with 2 hours. “New Brighton is a real ‘community’ – it has so much many community groups, sports groups and organisations that you can be a part of” said one of the organisers, Mitch Alcock, from Rawhiti Community Sports Inc. “I loved seeing all the volunteers from all the different groups, give up their public holiday to advocate for their group and their community. There was such a sense of togetherness and pride in our community – it’s just another reason why we love New Brighton” said James Ridpath, from Youth Alive Trust. The event was organised by key local groups Youth Alive Trust, New Brighton Project, Rawhiti Community Sports Inc and the Sport & Rec advisors for the Burwood Pegasus Board, with financial support from the City Council.
For photos, see the “I Love New Brighton” facebook page
16 Jan 2014
I Love New Brighton 2014 on Waitangi Day @ Thomson Park, Marine Parade 11am – 3pm
Get the date in your diaries as it’s going to be the biggest one yet!! Free family event celebrating all we love about New Brighton! Lots of free activities, sports, market, food stalls, bouncy castles, games and a LIVE stage featuring many bands including Christchurch’s own Byllie Jean Project and Medway Roots.