Breakaway Funding CUT
Very Sadly, after 10 years of providing free activities for Intermediates and Teens in the school holidays, Oranga Tamariki has dropped its contract with Youth Alive Trust, and we no longer have the funding to run these programmes.
It is something we made a good case to OT for, and we were only needing around $18,000 per year, but they have dropped contracts with many providers nationwide. Thank you to all the parents who wrote emails of endorsement. We will continue to use these as we seek out new funding sources, and hope to be able to begin Breakaway programmes again. If you have a rich friend of family member who’s keen to fund them – get in touch!
Here is our latest report with those parent endorsements: Breakaway Report 2022
**UPDATE** this post has since been picked by by two other mainstream media sources
Chris Lynch Facebook Post with over 120 comments and over 20 shares
Radio New Zealand Article & Interview with Trust Co-Manager, James Ridpath