October Holiday Programmes

UPDATE: 12th Sept 2022

Limited spaces available on all days on all programmes, except: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of Kea’s.


Our October Holiday Programme bookings are now LIVE!!!  5 days of fun for all age groups! Click on the hyperlinks below to view the brochures:

3rd – 7th October: Kea (School Years 1-3) including Imagination Station, Airforce Museum, Circus Day & Chipmonks.

3rd – 7th October: Pukeko (School Years 4-6) including Inflatable World, Orana Park, Circus Day & Dudley Pool.

3rd – 7th October: Piwakawaka (School Years 7-9) including Mini Golf, Mega Air, Circus Day & a trip to Hanmer Springs.

Future Holiday Programmes:

  • 19th – 23rd Dec 2022
  • 16th – 20th Jan 2023
  • 23rd – 27th Jan 2023
  • 11th – 14th April 2023


In Days: $35

Outing Days: $40

In Days + extension: $47

Out Days + extension: $52

Normal days are 8:30 – 3:30pm

Extension Days are 8:30am – 6:00pm

Oscar Subsidy

We encourage people to see if they would be eligible for the Work and Income Oscar Subsidy. Many don’t realise that they can get government support for holiday programme and after school care, if they just jump through a few bits of paperwork. If you have 3 or more children, you need to be earning more than $1,800 per week to not be eligible for support. If you have 2 children, you need to be earning more than $1,600 per week and if just 1 child, $1,400 per week (gross).  CLICK HERE for the full list of rates. Click on the link below for full information about applying for the subsidy:

Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) Subsidy – Work and Income

Register Now

The Aimyplus data system now allows us to take payment at the same time as bookings, and then you are guaranteed your spot, without waiting for us for to process the confirmation once we’re back in the office. There are 3 options for payment at the time of booking:

  1. Bank Transfer (no fee for you)
  2. Visa or Mastercard – Credit or Visa Debit (2.5%)
  3. WINZ Client. You will need to input your client number into your profile before choosing this option.

All Bookings are done online at: https://yat.aimyplus.com

Here’s a reminder of how to make a booking after logging in:

– Click on ‘Make a booking’

– Select childs name

– Change Programme Venue: ‘Youth Alive Oscar’

– Select ‘Holiday Programme’ & click ‘Next’

– Select the programme appropriate to your child’s age & select all the days you want to bookT3-Pukeko-Flyer-min

– Click ‘Next’, ’Next’ and ’Finish’

Any issues or questions, please email us at: rego@yat.org.nz

Any finance questions, please email us at: accounts@yat.org.nz

Senior OSCAR Specials!!

In response to the Cost of Living Crisis and also in our Covid recovery period, Youth Alive Trust is running some specials for our seniors only after-school care programme!

  • $15 per day up to 6:00pm (rolling back to our 2016 prices)
  • $10 per day up to 4:00pm
  • 20% discount when booked with a sibling on the same day
  • First Week FREE if you’re a new family to our Oscar
  • Year 4’s welcome until the end of this year (then they’ll be Year 5 anyway)

*Special prices start on 5th September until the end of 2022.

Plus most people are eligible for government support through the Oscar Subsidy if you’re working or studying. For example, if you have 3 children at home, you must be earning more than $1,885.00 gross per week to not be eligible for anything. CLICK HERE for full details.

Everyday is different and we do some sweet activities aimed at the older age ranges, that we hope engages better than the more traditional Oscars:

Mondays: Basketball Club or Kitchen Klub or Homework or Chill Zone

Tuesdays: Outing/Park Day (wet weather – indoor games)

Wednesdays: Activity Day or Years 4-6 can join Kōtirotiro Girls Club

Thursdays: Craft Club or Years 4-6 can join Tamatāne Boys Club

Fridays: Hot Chip Friday and Years 6-8 can join Rock Solid

Our vans do pick up’s from all our local schools including Rawhiti, South New Brighton School, New Brighton Catholic, Chisnallwood, Nova Montessori, Avonside Girls and Shirley Boy.

Download our normal Oscar Brochure HERE 

To book any OSCAR days go to:


If you have booked YAT programmes before, you can use the same user profile, otherwise you will need to click on “Make a booking”. Select your child’s name, programme venue and booking type before you click on “next”. On the following page you can select the days you would like to book. If you’ve not booked before, click “New Parent? Register here” and complete your profile before booking.

For a visit, please contact us at: oscar@yat.org.nz


Mother Daughter Day

Registrations are now LIVE for our next Mother Daughter Day for Intermediate aged girls and their Mum’s on SATURDAY 24th September. Join other local Mum’s and Daughters for a fun day of learning about each other, experiencing new things together, and making memories. Activities include a Polymer Clay Earring making workshop with local business Earme and a beginners outdoor Rock Climbing experience in the Port Hills with Adventure Specialties.

CLICK HERE to download the full flyer.

The day costs $75 per couple, including morning tea and lunch, and all the activity costs. We don’t want you to miss out so if cost is an issue please register and just pay what you can afford.

We can take a maximum of 10 couples for the day, so please register online asap to reserve your space:


PS: We also have a Father & Son Camp planned for 24th-26th Feb 2023 – more details to come!