UPDATE:8th July 2022
There are a few spaces on individual days on all programmes. Please log onto Aimyplus to view what days are available as it’s changing all the time with Covid isolation cases.
Email your details and requests to be on the Wait List to: rego@yat.org.nz
Our July Holiday Programme bookings are now LIVE!!! 5 Programmes over the two weeks for all age groups! With the govt Covid Traffic Light system dropping to Orange, we have reverted to our 3 age groups in our Week 1 programmes, meaning we can have larger groups, and face masks are not required, but optional. Click on the hyperlinks below to view the brochures:
11th – 15th July: Kea (School Years 1-3) including Antarctic Centre & Clip n Climb
11th – 15th July: Pukeko (School Years 4-6) including Laser Strike & Antarctic Centre
11th – 15th July: Piwakawaka (School Years 7-9) including Ice Skating & Cinema
We are also running Breakaway Programmes for Intermediates and Teens in Week 2 of the holidays.
18th – 20th July: Intermediates Breakaway including Laser Tag, 10 Pin Bowling & Cinema
20th – 22nd July: Teens Breakaway including Laser Tag, 10 Pin Bowling & Hanmer Trip
Note: Clubs restart in Week 2 of Term 3, to give our staff and volunteers a break after both weeks of holiday programmes.
The management of Youth Alive Trust have looked at the finances of holiday programmes over the past few years and it has been making a financial loss. We are often asked how we manage to fun such awesome activities for that price, and it’s because we only aim to break even. We have done our research and believe we have been one of the cheapest holiday programmes in the city, but with the increasing cost of activities, increasing cost of wages and not wanting to decrease the quality of the activities, we now need to increase our daily prices. We have also been stung by unpaid accounts amounted to thousands of dollars over a number of years, which is another reason we’re asking people to pay up front if they can. Our last price increase for an In Day was in January 2016, when they increased from $28 per day to $30 per day. In January 2017 the Outing Days increased to $35 per day to help cover the extra activity costs. Therefore from April 2022, these will be our new prices.
In Days: $35
Outing Days: $40
In Days + extension: $47
Out Days + extension: $52
Normal days are 8:30 – 3:30pm
Extension Days are 8:30am – 6:00pm
Breakaway activity costs are Free because of Oranga Tamariki financial support – apart from a $5 per day booking fee. Contact us if this is a concern and we’ll sort you out.
Oscar Subsidy
We do however encourage people to see if they would be eligible for the Work and Income Oscar Subsidy. Many don’t realise that they can get government support for holiday programme and after school care, if they just jump through a few bits of paperwork. If you have 3 or more children, you need to be earning more than $1,800 per week to not be eligible for support. If you have 2 children, you need to be earning more than $1,600 per week and if just 1 child, $1,400 per week (gross). CLICK HERE for the full list of rates. Click on the link below for full information about applying for the subsidy:
Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) Subsidy – Work and Income
Register Now
The Aimyplus data system now allows us to take payment at the same time as bookings, and then you are guaranteed your spot, without waiting for us for to process the confirmation once we’re back in the office. There are 3 options for payment at the time of booking:
- Bank Transfer (no fee for you)
- Visa or Mastercard – Credit or Visa Debit (2.5%)
- WINZ Client. You will need to input your client number into your profile before choosing this option.
All Bookings are done online at: https://yat.aimyplus.com
Here’s a reminder of how to make a booking after logging in:
– Click on ‘Make a booking’
– Select childs name
– Change Programme Venue: ‘Youth Alive Oscar’
– Select ‘Holiday Programme’ & click ‘Next’
– Select the programme appropriate to your child’s age & select all the days you want to book
– Click ‘Next’, ’Next’ and ’Finish’
Any issues or questions, please email us at: rego@yat.org.nz
Any finance questions, please email us at: accounts@yat.org.nz