We host one-off seminars for parents on relevant subjects with quality speakers, that teach, inspire and show you that you're not the only one going through those issues!
Latest Updates
8 Aug 2024
Massive thanks to Brett from Tāima Kōrero – Time2Talk.nz who inspired us parents with how to talk to our kids about porn and what we need to be aware of. If you missed tonight, follow his social media page for other talks or email him direct to get the notes plus other updates. Let’s address it with our kids before the screens do…
22 Jul 2024
Coming to New Brighton – a Free Parent Seminar on Pornography! It’s a taboo subject often not discussed, so learn from the experts – Brett travels around Australia & NZ doing these talks to parents and young people as a part of Tāima Kōrero – Time2Talk.nz. This event is aimed at informing and empowering parents and caregivers to start effective conversations with their young people at any age and stage. Register your free ticket at this link:

29 Mar 2023
8 Mar 2023
Book your FREE ticket now for next Tuesday’s Parenting Seminar at Grace Vineyard Beach Campus for parents and caregivers of children in their Primary Years by two renowned speakers.
Join Anna Mowat (Director of Real Parents) and Sandy Hitchens (Doors of Hope Counselling) to explore the journey of parenting in 2023, offering their top tips from professional and personal experience in raising tamariki to thrive. From big emotions, to building healthy whānau relationships through connection and play.
Check out the event page via Humanatix for all the event info and to register:
Led by the team from Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow.
21 Oct 2022
* Self-Determination Theory – Why does motivation matter, and how do we foster this in tamariki?
* The 6 principles of effective parenting- 6 things children need to grow up to be happy, capable adults
* Building strong relationships with your tamariki, and them with you
* How to create healthy boundaries and support your children to thrive

18 Aug 2022
Thanks to the Mana Ake team who did an amazing job tonight presenting a seminar on supporting young people with big emotions. Lots of positive comments from parents and professionals from all over the east. Sorry, the presentation was not recorded, although the slides have been uploaded to our website HERE.
If you’re keen to hear about other parenting supports, courses and future seminars, contact our local Mana Ake Team Leader: beckyw@mmsi.org.nz or visit: https://manaake.health.nz
31 May 2022
21 Apr 2022

“Fantastic presentation. Fun, humorous and practical, with no judgement of our rangitahi/young people which was great. Some awesome tips for both teachers and parents alike. Best Zoom presentation I have been to – and I’ve been to a few! Keep up the great mahi!” March 2022
Passcode: 105852
6 Aug 2019
Amanda Staniford – Kids Life Academy
Monday 16th September, 7.30pm – 9pm
So you have decided to play ‘happy families’ and live ‘happily ever after!’ Good on you both for making a joint decision about your future! Hold that image in your head and I’ll show you how to work from a design model to create the blended family life that you wished for. You will gain practical tools to ensure that you all begin on the same page of your own fairy tale. This presentation will be interactive, lively and fun and you will walk away with a renewed sense of what is possible while knowing exactly how to achieve your happily ever after!
$11.75 per ticket @ http://www.dashtickets.co.nz/event/tkbr58my0
Suits parents of: All Ages
Grace Vineyard Beach Campus, 111 Seaview Rd, New Brighton. Plenty of parking available on Seaview Road or Beresford Street, as both entrances will be open.
1 Aug 2019
Jenny Hale – The Parenting Place
Thursday, 12th September, 7.30pm – 9pm
If you are faced with a child who is overly sensitive, must get it right every time, hates making mistakes or being corrected, is reluctant to try new things in case they get it wrong and loses the plot over minor issues, we will give you some new insights and ways to manage your perfectionist child.
Suits parents of: 0-13
$11.75 per ticket @ http://www.dashtickets.co.nz/event/h7m2n5v91
Grace Vineyard Beach Campus, 111 Seaview Rd, New Brighton. Plenty of parking available on Seaview Road or Beresford Street, as both entrances will be open.
18 Jul 2019
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Parenting Expo has been postponed in 2019. Please contact us via email or our online form to be on the mailing list for the next expo.
8 Mar 2019
Youth Alive Trust are hosting 3 Parent Seminars in New Brighton, covering 3 popular topics, over 3 consecutive Monday evenings, led by our children’s counsellor, Sandy Hitchens.
Seminar 1: Monday 25th March – Understanding Anxiety
Seminar 2: Monday 1st April – Understanding Aggression
Seminar 3: Monday 8th April – The Power of Connection
More information and online tickets for just $15 each are via the links below:
1. https://events.ticketbooth.co.nz/event/yat-seminar-25march2019
2. https://events.ticketbooth.co.nz/event/yat-seminar-1april2019
3. https://events.ticketbooth.co.nz/event/yat-seminar-8april2019
12 Mar 2018
Free Technology Seminar for Parents – March 26th 7:30 – 9:00pm @ Parklands Baptist (180 Queenspark Drive)
Eastside parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, or anyone working with young people are invited to a seminar to update you on how technology is affecting young people, and some tips and techniques to protect them and your family. Led by the hilarious Attitude presenters, part of The Parenting Place, who have done inspirational talks to over 100,000 New Zealand young people!! Tea and Coffee provided. Koha on the door (suggested $5 donation – not compulsory)
12 Oct 2017
In this informative, entertaining presentation the audience will gain an understanding of the latest information on brain changes and hence the behaviours we observe as a child transitions through adolescence to an adult.
These seminars and workshops are for parents and professionals who are working with adolescents. Our information is entirely based on up-to-date scientific medical research. Our work is scientific and evidence based, our message is positive and is important to our whole community.
Concern about young people is not new. Each generation is known to have concern about the generation following and we are the first generation to understand the changes that happen in the brain. Recent research shows that there is a burst of neuronal activity in late childhood and adolescence that is linked with risk taking and impulsive, emotional behaviours typical of teenagers.
Consistent, nurturing and positive early experiences grow resilient, empathetic and intelligent adults. Conversely adolescents in New Zealand relative to other developed countries have a high rate of social morbidity.
The presenters on the day are Andrea Dahl and Jim Sole. Parents, caregivers, grandparents, and teens are all very welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided afterwards, so stay around for a chat and a look at other parenting programmes offered at Youth Alive Trust.
Thank you to the Dublin Street Trust for funding these seminars.
Register Now for your FREE Ticket at: www.brainwave.org.nz/register
20 Jun 2017
We’re excited to be hosting 4 Seminars over Parenting Week 2017:
- Growing a Great Reader by Dr Amy Scott. Monday 21st August at 10am. Free.
- Tools for Engaging Cooperation by Jenny Hale. Tuesday 22nd August at 7pm. Free
- Family Wellbeing by The Alright Team. Monday 28th August at 7pm. Free
- A Baby’s Cues by Philippa Murphy. Wednesday 30th August at 9:30am. $10pp
Book your tickets now at: http://www.dashtickets.co.nz/tour/916
24 Feb 2017
Over 100 parents and what could have been 100 babies turned out for our Brainwave Trust Seminar on the early years. Heaps of great information. If you missed out, check our https://www.brainwave.org.nz for information about upcoming seminars. Or here’s a YouTube link as a taster…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQymzEueM4A
28 Oct 2016
We have booked in our next large scale Parenting Seminar with the Brainwave Trust on 23rd Feb 2017 at 10am, who will be talking through the early years! Put the date into your diaries – more info to follow!
10 May 2016
200 Parents attended a recent parenting seminar in New Brighton as part of the Parenting Place Roadshow. TV personality Petra Bagust and popular family speaker John Cowen shared stories, tips and reassurances that brought a lot of laughter, nodding and note taking!! Great feedback flooded onto Facebook after the event “Such a great evening! Got so much out of it!” (Angela Hamilton), “Really enjoyed the roadshow – thank you John and Petra. Both excellent to listen to” (Shireen Spaull), “Very valuable and quite funny too!” (Andrew Grieve). The Parenting Road is running events all over the country, to support the NZ’s largest workforce – Mums & Dads! For more information about other Roadshow events visit: www.parentingplace.org.nz
4 Apr 2016
Parenting Roadshow with Petra Bagust – 9th May
Petra Bagust & John Cowen are travelling the country with The Parenting Place Roadshow. Together they are delivering a Parenting Seminar for east Christchurch, in New Brighton, on 9th May around the general topic of “Raising Happy, Confident and Resilient Children”. Some brilliant techniques to help your kids get the most from life. Real happiness actually comes from secure love, emotional strength and the grit to push through life’s challenges. Buy Tickets HERE ONLINE for just $5
23 Jan 2016
Free Technology Seminar for Parents – Feb 23rd
Eastside parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, or anyone working with young people are invited to a seminar to update you on how technology is affecting young people, and some tips and techniques to protect them and your family. Led by the hilarious Christian Gallen, an experienced Attitude presenter, part of The Parenting Place, who has done inspirational talks to over 100,000 New Zealand young people!! Cake & Coffee also provided with thanks to funding from the Burwood Pegasus Board of the Christchurch City Council, through the New Brighton Community Safety Partnership. RSVP to: office@yat.org.nz although walk-in’s on the night are very probably. Max 280 seats.