Whether you’re already babysitting the neighbours kids or your younger siblings or want some credibility when looking for a babysitting job - this course is for you! The course covers expectations of a babysitter, the child and family, safety, play and basic first aid. Now an online course only.
Latest Updates
12 Sep 2022
We’re sorry that we’re not running anymore Teen Babysitting Courses for the foreseeable future. The Plunket facilitator has retired and Plunket have now moved the course to online only.
However you can do the course anytime and anywhere for $50 at this link:
18 Jun 2021
Plunket Babysitting Course – Thursday 15th OR Friday 16th July 2021
Whether you’re already babysitting the neighbours kids or your younger siblings or want some credibility when looking for a babysitting job – this day is for you! Course covers expectations of a babysitter, the child and family, safety, play and basic first aid by a trained Plunket facilitator. Costs $30. Hosted by Youth Alive Trust in New Brighton. Register now at the links below and visit the facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/767570840595763
BOOK THURSDAY COURSE: Plunket Babysitting Course for Teens (google.com)
BOOK FRIDAY COURSE: Plunket Babysitting Course for Teens (google.com)
1 Apr 2021
**The form “Plunket Babysitting Course for Teens” for April is full.
Email “parenting@yat.org.nz” if you’re interested in attending our next course. Thanks**
Whether you’re already babysitting the neighbours kids or your younger siblings or want some credibility when looking for a babysitting job – this day is for you! Course covers expectations of a babysitter, the child and family, safety, play and basic first aid by a trained Plunket facilitator. Costs $30. Hosted by Youth Alive Trust in New Brighton. Register now at the
Follow the facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1RW4jNGqT